Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Blog #8 - Reflect for Personal Essay #2

As I look back at the various responses I have in my journal, I notice two items that seem to come up over and over again - hurricanes and kickboxing. I would love to write my second essay on either one of these topics, but I'm leaning more towards writing about kickboxing since it is the most recent event that has happened in my life. My closest friends have noticed that kickboxing has had a great impact on the way I carry myself and the way I live my life now. I would like to write about my experience this summer and how I started kickboxing classes because it sort of relates to my first essay about my breakup with the "ex". Since both of these events happened around the same time and since the emotions are still fresh in my mind, it won't be that difficult (or maybe it will??) to write the second essay.

Even though my mind's 99.98% made up and my heart's set on writing about kickboxing, I'm still having second thoughts on wanting to write about my experience in a hurricane. This happened when I was about 6 years old when my family lived in Hawaii. If I write my essay on this event, it would be similar to "Biography of a Dress" because I would have to reflect on what happened in the past. This would be interesting because it's something unique written from a child's perspective. This would also be quite difficult because I don't remember a lot of what happened that day. If I were to write about the hurricane, I can already see myself adding false information in order to make it better, which we have learned, is misleading and not the "right way" of producing a creative nonfiction piece. So I guess my mind's 100% made up now - kickboxing it is.

So my kickboxing story...I guess I can start off with the breakup and how "crappy" I felt. Another scene can be about me wanting to move on when I finally realized that I was "too good" to sit around, waiting for someone else to make me happy. I knew that I wanted something new, something better, so I can talk about searching online for classes to take in the city in order for me to explore what's out in the world and just have new experiences as a single person. I can talk about stumbling upon a woman's ad on Craig's List advertising her kickboxing class. I can then explain how this discovery served as a stepping stone for me to move on. Another "episode" will definitely be my first kickboxing class and how liberating it made me feel. There's just so much I can do with this that I'm getting really exciting just talking about it now.

Since we have to choose between which essay we'd like to revise and do a final copy on, my advantage of writing about two events that are connected is that this will allow me to use both my essays for final grading. I will get advice from all you lovely people as well as the professor on how to mesh these two essays together into one.


Nicole said...

Some people don't understand the power and strength you feel emotionally and physcially from a class like this one. I did karate a couple years ago and I can relate because I know that feeling of being powerful and part of a team ( or even the people you take your class with) you feel so kickass after like you are ready to take on the world and then you remember how crappy you feel ab the break up the minute you get showered after the class and are laying in bed.I think this story of stength and how it helped will be good. Maybe add the story, if you wanna get personal, about the actualy breakup so the reader can understand why you feel the way you do now. You can maybe describe like every kick you take is like releasing that emotion of your ex or something along that line.

Angela C. said...

Living in Hawaii sounds so exciting? I've never been there but always dreamt of going there. I want to know what types of hurricanes will you be talking about? Will the storm symoblize something deeper? Will it represent emotional hurricanes in you life that you have survived? I think surviving a break up and being able to get on your own two feet and realizing that you don't need a man to complete you can also be symbolized by a hurricane. You survived the storm!

anyways if you do decide to just focus on kickboxing, I think you should talk about the emotions you felt during the break up and the turning point in your life when you realized enough is enough. Kickboxing sounds like such a liberating experience and I hope that after reading your essay, other readers will be able to reflect on their own lives and see when if they have ever encountered a "liberating experience" of their own. =)

Shannon =) said...

Camille, I like the idea of kickboxing and how it can change your life. I am sorry about your breakup, but by the looks of your essay it seems you are doing much better. What came to mind when i saw the word "kickboxing" is the idea of kicking and hitting someone else. You wanted to "kick" the crappy feeling out of your body. that could be your concept and/or idea of your essay..kicking out the negative feelings. Overall, good idea! =)

Unknown said...

Although I agree that you should push through with the kickboxing essay, you shouldn't forget the hurricane experience. You could use it somewhere down the line. As far as not remembering a lot of the details, first write down what it is you remember. Then take it from there.

I think its important for you to write this kickboxing essay. Its a story of overcoming adversity (your break-up)and that in itself is worthy of writing. Also, it would probably help yourself validate (or believe) that this has changed you.

I read what Nicole was saying and i think thats a good idea, but maybe you can also think about gradually not mentioning your ex as you get into the whole, kickboxing thing. It would show, somewhat indirectly that you've moved on. So you're saying you've moved on without spelling it out. Then just mention him perhaps towards the end. I don't know if that makes any sense to you and if it doesn't then just disregard it. :) and if you did understand what i was saying, but thats not exaclty what you felt, then disregard it also. :) good luck!