Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Blog #10 - So...whatcha gonna do now, huh?!

During class on Wednesday, Dr. Chandler gave us a series of questions to think about regarding our two personal essays. We basically compared the two to see which one to revise for a final grade. Some of the things we needed to think about were: purpose of each essay, audience, importance of the content, if we liked it or not, does it have a good idea or concept, does it meet the requirements of the assignment, which one would be the easiest to revise, etc. Based on my answers to these questions, I have decided to revise my essay #2. Since both of my essays are based on the same event in my life (going through a break up and then discovering kickboxing), I wanted to do essay #2 because it emcompasses both of them. Both essays were fairly easy to write because these events took place within the past few months. It was hard trying to go back in time to rethink my thoughts and the feelings I felt but the great advantage of it is that I documented these moments in my personal journal. I was able to get my ideas for my essays from there.

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