Monday, December 1, 2008

Essay Publication Venue

I would like to send my first essay, "What I Gained Through the Pain", to Tiny Lights: A Journal of Personal Narratives because this venue accepts essays that are similar to the one that I have created. My essay is about my experience of a failed relationship and how taking kickboxing lessons helped to rebuild my self-esteem and eventually, helped me get over the pain. The main focus of my essay was that pain makes us grow. Though the growing process took some time, the mistakes that I've made and the pain that I had to endure all the more helped me realize that I needed to put myself first! This essay captures my growth as an individual and how kickboxing was an instrument that allowed me to find me and become the person that stands before you today!

Tiny Lights: A Journal of Personal Narratives

Subject Matter:
Accepts a variety of topics just as long as it is a personal narrative ("I") or a memoir.

My essay fits into this venue because it is a personal narrative. It is reflective, intimate, and was written as if I was telling a story. There are some parts in my essay where I think I added some humor into it though the subject matter at hand (a failed relationship) was more serious. Essays turned in for the contest must feature a distinctive voice.

Depth of Discussion, Form and Artistry:
Tiny Lights is looking for narrative personal essays. Essays turned in for the contest must show a conflict with an eventual shift in the narrator's perspective.

No more than 2,000 words

My essay is clearly a feminist piece, really striving to show GIRL POWER! Tiny Lights requires that all writers communicate the truth of their experiences to the best of their abilities. While no restrictions apply to the essay contest, Tiny Lights will not consider essays with brutality or violence. They do not accept material written for children.

At present, Tiny Lights will only accept essays that are submitted for the 15th Annual Essay Contest which is due on February 14, 2009. They will only consider unpublished work or previously published material for which the author holds rights. For essays like this, rights will be given back to the author after it is published in Tiny Lights.
  • Each essay must be accompanied by an entry fee of $15 for the first essay and $10 each addition essay.
  • Make check payable to Tiny Lights Publications / Mail to: P.O. Box 928, Petaluma, CA 94953
  • Essays must be mailed in a self-addressed, stamped envelope so that they can send feedback or contest notifications back to you.
  • Entries should be typed and double-spaced. Title page of the manuscript should include the author's name, complete address, e-mail, phone number, and essay word count.
  • Prizes will be awarded as follows:
    • First Place: $350
    • Second Place: $250
    • Third Place: $150
    • Two Honorable Mention Prizes: $100 each.
  • Winners will be posted at by April 11, 2009.
  • Winning essays may be edited before publication. Final copy must be approved by writer. No essays published without author's permission.
  • All contestants will receive a hard copy of Tiny Lights' contest publication featuring the winning entries.

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